Tuesday, November 8, 2011


She said "I love you" ten times in a span of ten minutes. I think I stopped believing in about ten seconds. I knew that she'd be gone in another ten days. Still I smiled and said it back, because I'm always one to count my blessings. See, even in a lie there's a lovely message. It becomes exercise if you identify it and accept it. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and the fact that we no longer communicate is part of my progression. Sometimes the hardest lesson is the easiest to read but you give it the blind eye because your heart has its own future projected. A will of your own - "who needs Gods direction?" Wasn't saying it with my mouth, but was regularly stepping. As if I don't know I've already been chosen and can only walk according to a purpose that's written in heaven. Hard to kick against the pricks, cant run from what's destined. Wasn't sent to deliver smiles, but to deliver a message. Whats funny though, is many smile even when they don't want to accept it. The truth will never be everybody's friend but everybody will always respect it. As for Miss lady - if ever I run into her, I'll throw a piece of my heart up in the air and tell her to fetch it. See, she acted like a female dog as we fell off, but she'll still know that I love her the moment she reaches to catch it.

As far as the present - the more I unwrap my potential it appears that more women offer up their domestics. I guess one would think that's a beautiful thing, but Vicky told me a secret - she said "they want a different type of connection". Some women don't want a man, they want his progression. Some women just want his fans, forget his attention. Some women don't want time that don't come with a necklace, and some women don't really know love that don't come with erections. Doesn't mean that all women are bad, just means that I know what's good, and what's right is about the only thing I'll settle for being left with. There's a difference between having desires and being desperate. The one's who never learn the difference are the bait the piranhas are always catching.

I don't just speak it for my health, there's a key to my methods. The transparency of a man will teach the masses wisdom through his confessions. Just in case they ever thought that it was easy being me, I remind them to whom much is given, much is tested. Some never thought they'd see me do everything I always expected, but the more it unfolds the more the same individuals seem to be checking. Giving there praises, when I'm not looking for the credit. I just want them to know my blesser, and the reason he's continually blessing. So many comments, so many questions, so many opinions, and so many suggestions. Through it all I always seem to find joy in knowing everybody's ok, faith assured, never second guessing. I guess if there's a cocky bone left in my body, you can probably find it somewhere buried in this message. But as I send it out to sea, never to return, I just want the reader to know its God first, nothing else is even a close second. If ever the shoe fits, wear it, but beware of who you step with. And never take for granted that which you have, it could be gone in ten seconds. Isn't that how I started this message? Catch it. These are my confessions.