Women too cute to be courted, men too thug for sincerity. Real just isn't real anymore apparently.
But who I am to judge? I continue to love. Fear no man but God, and yeah some of my patnas are still thugs. Still they respect the G in me.The God that is. Why? B/c I'm an individual. Tried to dip back into the old me, but the new me refused to be hypocritical..Reality struck, saying
"you're no longer street, you're now spiritual, and the very steps you take in life or now pivotal. Be an example to those who don't know how to walk. Even watch your associations, because you're now an example on how to talk. Everything you do from here on out is no longer in the dark. Which means 100 rights wont prevent that 1 wrong from being outlined in chalk."
And so I..................And I so walk. Accepting that which I've been chosen to be. Understanding life isn't about pleasing others, but about pleasing HE who created me.
Be you. Everyone else is taken. Isn't that how it goes? Forget what you're talking, your footsteps are where it shows. My fellow man, quit planting the seed if you're not prepared to water it and watch it grow. So what you got a little cash flow, vip access is nothing to a boss, and there's innocent blood shed for those diamonds that glow. We say we're keeping it real, but really it's all for show. We downgrade our sistas, admiring them for being real bitches, all the while treating them like real hoes...Oh and news flash sweetheart; You don't have to be having sex to be considered a hoe. It's not the act, it's the spirit on you that attracts the
"wussup shawty, aye sexy, spppphh, and ayo!"
Dress the part, and the role is yours.
I say nothing to chop you down, everything to let you know you don't have to be a whore. But understand that a man can only buy that which you have for sale in your store. Countless hours you spend enhancing the mirror image, while expecting that very man to look at you and see more. Are you sure? Not to mention this status game. Foolish pride on which our culture thrives, has everbody making false claims to fame. Sweetheart, don't fall victim to the game. I'm just saying.....Red bottoms don't make you special, a few racks don't make me anything either. Vixens are overrated, the virtuous are keepers...Pull your dress down, step your mind up. And whatever you do, cherish ya temple, quit giving ya wine up. Intoxicating lust, work-out type thrusts, less than an hour could change your whole life and it might not be worth all that, TRUST.
We're all grown though, so by all means, have it your way. Whether man or woman, we're all gonna do what we want to do at the end of the day. Taking that into consideration, all fingers should only be pointed one way...At your reflection.
Too much pointing in the wrong directions. Is it really her fault that you cant control your erections? And how bout you sweetheart? You pretend to be in dier need of affection. Painting this picture of Mr. Ideal, but dating only those who are simply a spitting image of who? Your reflection...Quick to tell us Mr. Ideal doesn't exist, which stands true for you if the saying insists...You attract what's in you..That which you say is missing in men is exactly what's missing within..As for us fellas, we simply have a hard time giving in..To what? To the fact that we can no longer act as boys once we become men.
Fly clothes and nice cars, feeding our selfish pride. Thinking we're more than what we are, inviting the souls of lost women along for the ride...Why not do as a man should and provide? Be the light to her darkness and open up her eyes? Is that not cool enough or real enough in your book? Oh I get it..Being that type of man wont get us the woman with the beyonce type of look. Forget the cover of the book. Think about what you need. Because you see i've learned that most of these wonderful covers are terrible reads. Unless ofcoarse they've been drawn to the light by the decent man you have the potential to be...Keeping it G has nothing to do with staying in streets, but taking what you've learned and adapting to every tribulation you meet. Composure unfased, demenor at ease. There's a high to balance out every low without blowing a single tree. It's called belief...
And I only say all of this to say...That being who God wants you to be versus who the world wants you to be is a matter of life and death. No, really! You gotta look at it that way. A work in progress is what you witness in the theories on my wall everday. I share with you not for popularity, not to judge, but because I care for your progression as well, and regardless of what you do....I'ma love you anyway.
Jermaine G.
Hello sir I am a follower of yours on Twitter and I'd just like to say that I really enjoyed your writing. The world needs to hear what was placed inside of you. Please keep doing what are doing and you will be rewarded. I look forward to reading many more great blogs! Be blessed!
ReplyDeleteThis is a great start to your blog! Interesting read I totally agree with you on several points mentioned. We have to have the courage in life to make the right decisions and not fall into peer pressure. One thing people don't realize is that peer pressure is also in adulthood. I think it maybe even worst in adulthood, that's why it is good to have a good head on your shoulders.