She hates ignor-ance, yet she ignores what's real. You know her type. She dates a bunch of status quo's who ignore the way she really feels. With a smile and physique that attracts celebrity faces, it's hard to tell her that her lack of patience is a slight case of self hatred. Saturday night she's wasted, Sunday morning she's praising, and Monday she's tweeting class like she's not the girl who wears her Friday night dress where her waist is. Is there really a lack of sincere people in the world or is it just her poor decision making? Her revolving circumstances just match her associations. Daring enough to look down on the less appealing woman as if she's too basic. Hardly a fair assesment, considering her relationship resume shows no real love traces. Too many nights shes made love faces only to find out in later days that it wasn't love making.
Many days its like her heart is in a strange place. Almost impossible for a hopeless romantic to find a love that requires faith. Understand, hopeless is the equivelent of doubt, and romance doesn't promise love, so her heart is gambling at high stakes. And who really likes to stand by and watch a heart break? Some try to offer guidance, but she ignores their heart beats because she's more into the heart's face. Only herself to blame for her heart being in this dark place when the same things that make her cry are the same things that make her heart race.
We're all entitled to mistakes so you cant judge her. But she's so into herself she can't appreciate the ones who love her. She wants what she wants, and what she wants is a good time. She needs a man who has a good name in the spots where the elite toast the good wine. So many lies, so many games, and so many fails. Not hard to understand why love to her is like a fairytale. Problem is, if you ever try to correct her, she might just ignore the message depeneding on who delivers the mail. Yeah you know her type. That's right I know her too. Was once the one laying next to her as some of those messages were coming through. Indeed, we all reap what we sow, so it wouldn't be upsetting for me to know that in that fashion, some of my messages were later ignored too.
Nevertheless, this isn't about me or you, but a woman who's own reflection henders her from finding her way to what's true. She's searching for a love that really doesn't exist - the devil dressing up a curse and presenting it as a gift. Always appears to look good until it's unwrapped. Ironically, at first sight you'd think her beauty is unmatched. But to another brother who's been up under her covers, he's looking at you wondering why you'd ever try to cuff that. A little rap, high heels, and white liquor - true colors start to seep through as her attitude begins to paint the picutre. She's a bad chick, these others are average, and ain't too many dudes real enough to handle her package. Vip access, free wine glasses, and can't forget to take a couple pictures for the masses.
She's showing off. One would think this is the life but imagine being confused wanting the devil to show you the light. Thinking you're doing right, when really you're running left, your outter perfectly pieced, but your inner a pretty mess. Who understands? Most dont, and most never will, because the look is what attracts, nobody focuses on the feel. At least not in the field where she chooses to play. Hard to undestand her pain when this is the bed in which she chooses to lay. Just understand, sometimes when she's smiling from ear to ear, it's not always joy - sometimes she's fighting back the tears. She fears.............
To confess that she's pretty and lost.
She needs love and not the type that comes with nude body language, but the type that digs deep into her soul and can sweep up her foundation. Her pride needs breaking, but her heart needs rebuilding. She doesn't need someone who admires, she needs someone who can identify her feelings. She needs someone who see's her beauty without paying her looks any mind. Someone who can show her it's not about the spotlight, but about the way her spirit shines. She needs love, not necessarily someone who wants to pursue, but someone that'll help her find her way b/c like her they were once lost too.
As I always say...The power is in the love.
-Jermaine G.
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