Thursday, June 21, 2012

That Dog Bone - Is It In You?

(Disclaimer: This is not an attack on women or men for that matter. This is not an all women or all men grouping. This is an observation of a large body of men and women from my generation and the ones that've followed)

Make no mistake, BOTH men AND women can be dogs! The difference between most of these men and women is this - 

A man can see a dog, and call it exactly the way he sees it. If she's not a housewife, she's just not a housewife, and he's not gonna attempt to dress her up as one. (Unless he's a simp who'd do anything to lay next to a woman he finds attractive). Even on the social network, a man can see the way a woman represents herself, and believe it for exactly what it looks like. "She's naked in that avi, she's posting those "thirst trap statuses", yep, she's giving it up! And if she ain't, she's looking to!"  If you don't think men think like that, you're a fool! And the thought is not an apple as far from the tree as some women would like to claim it to be. You don't have to be walking around with a "bend me over" sign on your back, to be inviting the idea of someone actually doing it. Your spirit does more talking than your mouth does. Remember that. You attract the hounds, when you come off as one who loves to be hounded. Men stay true to form with this reality, even pertaining to self. A male whore, won't deny he's a male whore 9 times out of 10. He'll just wait for someone who's foolish enough to accept it, and let him hit it anyway. Does it make him right? No! that's not the basis of this post. 

A woman on the other hand, can see a dog, and dress him up to be the best thing in the world....UNTIL he sleeps with her, takes her through hell with his lack of concern for her feelings, and then sleeps with her bestie. Yep, it happens just like that, IN THAT ORDER! For some odd reason, a lot of women are under the impression that what they possess, can change a man! Let me help you with that - If you don't have JESUS, and a LOT of Him, you ain't changing nothing but bed sheets, and lingerie sets. Men are gonna be men. A woman can see a man posted with a bottle, a blunt, and a stripper on his lap, and still somehow be looking at Mr. Hucstable! He could be calling women all types of b's and hoe's when she meets him, but for some reason she thinks she's gonna be exempt from either category. NO, you're not! You're gonna get taxed, trust me. 

That's not to say a dog, can't be transformed, and a whore can't become a housewife. That's to say YOU can't transform them! God can, but you can't. So if you're entertaining either of the above, it's because you yourself share some of those same traits. Either that, or your set of eyes make Stevie Wonder look like a man who can see through walls. And if people always come at you like you're one of the above, it's not because you're a saint, and everyone is just blind! People are not that blind, even in their ignorance. 

Ever notice how a man will pass up the modest, decent looking woman, with excellent morals and a good heart, for the chick in the club with the tight dress, banging body, pretty face, long hair, and bad attitude? Yeah, you noticed! You know why he passed up that good girl? Because he's not trying to be a good guy, and he's not looking to make the bad girl a wife! He's going for exactly what he knows he is. So when he gets her, he gets what he was looking for. And if she acts up afterwards, welp, on to the next. Simple as that.

Now, turn the table. Ever notice how a woman will pass up that more reserved guy who lacks in swag, but is full of sincerity and hope in her, for the guy who pours his favorite wine on stripper's backs, and has a no "basic b**s" policy? Yeah, you noticed! You know why she passed up that reserved guy? B/c all of the wrong she sees the other guy in, is actually attractive to her, and that good guy is too boring for her too hot to trot demeanor ..This much, a lot of women won't deny! Women don't have a problem admitting they're attracted to bad boys. What they will deny, is the fact that they're as wrong as the men they're attracted to. It's not rocket science. "Can two walk together accept they agree?" That's what the Word of God says. You're attracted to his bad ways, because you have a lot of your own bad ways that are in agreement with it all. Ever see a dog mating with a cat to make a half puppy/half kitten? I'll wait.............Still waiting...............Yeah, me neither! 

A lot of women are looking for love to blossom from a lust seed. They're thinking "he's a bad boy, but I'm good enough to make him be good to me. I deserve it!" No, you deserve exactly what you're pursuing, dog behavior, because you too have dog bones somewhere in that body of yours. 

He, on the other hand, knows what he wants, and he's getting it from the right source. You say you know what you want, but you ain't getting it b/c you're with the wrong source. That's the difference. The expectations, considering the circumstances. When a man is a dog, it's because he wants to be. He's not looking for a wife, he's looking for a bone. When a woman is a dog, she doesn't want to be called one, and she doesn't want to be treated like one, she just wants to date em with hopes that they'll one day become heroes. 

Men who are dogs are not in the saving business. Not even that reserved guy, you passed up, has enough super powers to save you. Jesus is the SAVIOR though. Call him up. As for men, being that dog might seem cool, and quite pleasurable, but remember - All dogs don't go to heaven, but STD's definitely take lives. It's getting real out here, and you might wanna be getting wise. Being a dog is nothing to brag or write home about. Dogs die everyday B! 

I know a lot of feelings might be on edge in this post. No one is safe! If the shoe fits, wear it, and model it around so that the world can see you for who you are. Open confession is good for the soul! I've been a dog for years, and loved female dogs. The only thing helping my transition is confession, and enough humility to receive the truth and the change. The basis of this post was not to prove who's more right, who's more wrong, or who's actions are justifiable. Both sides are wrong, and none of it is justifiable. But what are YOU gonna do about it, concerning YOURSELF? That's what i'm getting at. 

Whether man or woman, if you're a dog, it ain't because someone else's bark made you one. If all you attract is dogs, it ain't because they're blind and barking up the wrong tree. The disparities between genders are obvious, but what's more obvious is the similarities that bring the two together. 

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