Some battles are lost because God allows the fall. Its a humbling process, a learning process, a strengthening process, your making. Sometimes you have to take a fall and skin your knee to be reminded that you still bleed. To be reminded that though you've come up, it's still not
hing for you to be knocked down so don't slack up and don't look down. This battle lost is a blessing in disguise, making you a better fighter for the ultimate prize.
On the flip side, sometimes we're just fighting a bunch of losing battles. Waring against whats destined in our own lives. Fighting to love someone that'll never love you. Fighting to obtain things that aren't meant for you to have. Fighting to reap the harvest before its your season. The heartbreak, the let downs, the stress, the illnesses...Everything we take our bodies through attempting to fight battles we're not supposed to be in. Battles we wont win because the opposition is reality, and your perception will always fail in the end.
Examine yourself and the things in your life, then ask yourself...What am i really fighting for? Is it worth fighting for? Will it/he/she be with me till the grave or will it take me to the grave earlier than scheduled? Do i need it or do i just want it? Am i properly equipped to fight? If not, why not? Is it because i have to learn to be a better fighter OR because i'm simply fighting in the wrong war? Do I want to be a fighter or I do I just want the glory?
Know this - If its Heaven sent you're gonna have to fight to obtain it AND to maintain it. When its hell bound, its often times very easy to obtain and a fight to maintain. That OR its a fight to obtain because Gods Will is blocking it for your own good.
Fight for whats right in your life. Don't fight to kill yourself.
From one fighter to another.
Good day.
On the flip side, sometimes we're just fighting a bunch of losing battles. Waring against whats destined in our own lives. Fighting to love someone that'll never love you. Fighting to obtain things that aren't meant for you to have. Fighting to reap the harvest before its your season. The heartbreak, the let downs, the stress, the illnesses...Everything we take our bodies through attempting to fight battles we're not supposed to be in. Battles we wont win because the opposition is reality, and your perception will always fail in the end.
Examine yourself and the things in your life, then ask yourself...What am i really fighting for? Is it worth fighting for? Will it/he/she be with me till the grave or will it take me to the grave earlier than scheduled? Do i need it or do i just want it? Am i properly equipped to fight? If not, why not? Is it because i have to learn to be a better fighter OR because i'm simply fighting in the wrong war? Do I want to be a fighter or I do I just want the glory?
Know this - If its Heaven sent you're gonna have to fight to obtain it AND to maintain it. When its hell bound, its often times very easy to obtain and a fight to maintain. That OR its a fight to obtain because Gods Will is blocking it for your own good.
Fight for whats right in your life. Don't fight to kill yourself.
From one fighter to another.
Good day.
I needed to read this!! I'm back and forth with one battle in particular (3yrs) fighting for something that was lost so long ago..thank you so much for this!