Settling down is the process of maturation, the process of realizing you don't have to drive so fast to get to where you're going. It's the change of heart and mind that makes you look at that need for speed as foolishness. That need for speed is the equivelent to our need to fulfill our worldly desires. That constant pursuit of entertainment and pleasure through vain outlets. Sure, no one really wants to be the sitting duck in an empty pond, but that is simply a state of mind that forces most of us out the door into venues, homes, and other places we really don't need to be. You're no duck, you're a human-being, sitting is a sign of discipline, and the pond is a body of still water, which represents peace. What am I saying? When you're settled, you're content. You're at peace within, regardless of what the majority is doing on the outside. Not content with your progression, but with your state of being. You don't need to be around a lot of people, acting out to enjoy life, you don't need to be out doing something to feel like you have a life. You're content with what life itself provides you - A chance to breath, a chance to improve, a chance to give back that which you've gained to those who are trying to reach your mark; all in thanks for another day.
No, settling down doesn't mean you'll never get out and experience things. You still get out, but at a different pace, and most times in a different setting. You still communicate with others, but with a different tone, and at different volumes. Settling down doesn't mean you're wrapped in your closet like a mummy. (Although some of us may need to be) Settling down just means you're not hasty to do things that aren't beneficial to your well-being, like you once were. Settling down as an individual is a true sign of adulthood, and the signature of a great candidate for someone else to settle down with.
Good day.
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