Settling down is the process of maturation, the process of realizing you don't have to drive so fast to get to where you're going. It's the change of heart and mind that makes you look at that need for speed as foolishness. That need for speed is the equivelent to our need to fulfill our worldly desires. That constant pursuit of entertainment and pleasure through vain outlets. Sure, no one really wants to be the sitting duck in an empty pond, but that is simply a state of mind that forces most of us out the door into venues, homes, and other places we really don't need to be. You're no duck, you're a human-being, sitting is a sign of discipline, and the pond is a body of still water, which represents peace. What am I saying? When you're settled, you're content. You're at peace within, regardless of what the majority is doing on the outside. Not content with your progression, but with your state of being. You don't need to be around a lot of people, acting out to enjoy life, you don't need to be out doing something to feel like you have a life. You're content with what life itself provides you - A chance to breath, a chance to improve, a chance to give back that which you've gained to those who are trying to reach your mark; all in thanks for another day.
No, settling down doesn't mean you'll never get out and experience things. You still get out, but at a different pace, and most times in a different setting. You still communicate with others, but with a different tone, and at different volumes. Settling down doesn't mean you're wrapped in your closet like a mummy. (Although some of us may need to be) Settling down just means you're not hasty to do things that aren't beneficial to your well-being, like you once were. Settling down as an individual is a true sign of adulthood, and the signature of a great candidate for someone else to settle down with.
Good day.
Gentleman Rambles
G E N T L E M A N - R A M B L I N G S; A collection of perspective ink spills. Spontaneous writings. In the moment poetics. Sometimes it rhymes, sometimes it doesn't. But it always comes from the soul. Something like the bloggers feed before the hard back literature read. Get me?
Monday, August 6, 2012
What Are You Fighting For?
Sometimes you lose battles when fighting a war. Other times you have to ask yourself what you're really fighting for.
Some battles are lost because God allows the fall. Its a humbling process, a learning process, a strengthening process, your making. Sometimes you have to take a fall and skin your knee to be reminded that you still bleed. To be reminded that though you've come up, it's still not
Some battles are lost because God allows the fall. Its a humbling process, a learning process, a strengthening process, your making. Sometimes you have to take a fall and skin your knee to be reminded that you still bleed. To be reminded that though you've come up, it's still not
hing for you to be knocked down so don't slack up and don't look down. This battle lost is a blessing in disguise, making you a better fighter for the ultimate prize.
On the flip side, sometimes we're just fighting a bunch of losing battles. Waring against whats destined in our own lives. Fighting to love someone that'll never love you. Fighting to obtain things that aren't meant for you to have. Fighting to reap the harvest before its your season. The heartbreak, the let downs, the stress, the illnesses...Everything we take our bodies through attempting to fight battles we're not supposed to be in. Battles we wont win because the opposition is reality, and your perception will always fail in the end.
Examine yourself and the things in your life, then ask yourself...What am i really fighting for? Is it worth fighting for? Will it/he/she be with me till the grave or will it take me to the grave earlier than scheduled? Do i need it or do i just want it? Am i properly equipped to fight? If not, why not? Is it because i have to learn to be a better fighter OR because i'm simply fighting in the wrong war? Do I want to be a fighter or I do I just want the glory?
Know this - If its Heaven sent you're gonna have to fight to obtain it AND to maintain it. When its hell bound, its often times very easy to obtain and a fight to maintain. That OR its a fight to obtain because Gods Will is blocking it for your own good.
Fight for whats right in your life. Don't fight to kill yourself.
From one fighter to another.
Good day.
On the flip side, sometimes we're just fighting a bunch of losing battles. Waring against whats destined in our own lives. Fighting to love someone that'll never love you. Fighting to obtain things that aren't meant for you to have. Fighting to reap the harvest before its your season. The heartbreak, the let downs, the stress, the illnesses...Everything we take our bodies through attempting to fight battles we're not supposed to be in. Battles we wont win because the opposition is reality, and your perception will always fail in the end.
Examine yourself and the things in your life, then ask yourself...What am i really fighting for? Is it worth fighting for? Will it/he/she be with me till the grave or will it take me to the grave earlier than scheduled? Do i need it or do i just want it? Am i properly equipped to fight? If not, why not? Is it because i have to learn to be a better fighter OR because i'm simply fighting in the wrong war? Do I want to be a fighter or I do I just want the glory?
Know this - If its Heaven sent you're gonna have to fight to obtain it AND to maintain it. When its hell bound, its often times very easy to obtain and a fight to maintain. That OR its a fight to obtain because Gods Will is blocking it for your own good.
Fight for whats right in your life. Don't fight to kill yourself.
From one fighter to another.
Good day.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
That Dog Bone - Is It In You?
(Disclaimer: This is not an attack on women or men for that matter. This is not an all women or all men grouping. This is an observation of a large body of men and women from my generation and the ones that've followed)
Make no mistake, BOTH men AND women can be dogs! The difference between most of these men and women is this -
A man can see a dog, and call it exactly the way he sees it. If she's not a housewife, she's just not a housewife, and he's not gonna attempt to dress her up as one. (Unless he's a simp who'd do anything to lay next to a woman he finds attractive). Even on the social network, a man can see the way a woman represents herself, and believe it for exactly what it looks like. "She's naked in that avi, she's posting those "thirst trap statuses", yep, she's giving it up! And if she ain't, she's looking to!" If you don't think men think like that, you're a fool! And the thought is not an apple as far from the tree as some women would like to claim it to be. You don't have to be walking around with a "bend me over" sign on your back, to be inviting the idea of someone actually doing it. Your spirit does more talking than your mouth does. Remember that. You attract the hounds, when you come off as one who loves to be hounded. Men stay true to form with this reality, even pertaining to self. A male whore, won't deny he's a male whore 9 times out of 10. He'll just wait for someone who's foolish enough to accept it, and let him hit it anyway. Does it make him right? No! that's not the basis of this post.
A woman on the other hand, can see a dog, and dress him up to be the best thing in the world....UNTIL he sleeps with her, takes her through hell with his lack of concern for her feelings, and then sleeps with her bestie. Yep, it happens just like that, IN THAT ORDER! For some odd reason, a lot of women are under the impression that what they possess, can change a man! Let me help you with that - If you don't have JESUS, and a LOT of Him, you ain't changing nothing but bed sheets, and lingerie sets. Men are gonna be men. A woman can see a man posted with a bottle, a blunt, and a stripper on his lap, and still somehow be looking at Mr. Hucstable! He could be calling women all types of b's and hoe's when she meets him, but for some reason she thinks she's gonna be exempt from either category. NO, you're not! You're gonna get taxed, trust me.
That's not to say a dog, can't be transformed, and a whore can't become a housewife. That's to say YOU can't transform them! God can, but you can't. So if you're entertaining either of the above, it's because you yourself share some of those same traits. Either that, or your set of eyes make Stevie Wonder look like a man who can see through walls. And if people always come at you like you're one of the above, it's not because you're a saint, and everyone is just blind! People are not that blind, even in their ignorance.
Ever notice how a man will pass up the modest, decent looking woman, with excellent morals and a good heart, for the chick in the club with the tight dress, banging body, pretty face, long hair, and bad attitude? Yeah, you noticed! You know why he passed up that good girl? Because he's not trying to be a good guy, and he's not looking to make the bad girl a wife! He's going for exactly what he knows he is. So when he gets her, he gets what he was looking for. And if she acts up afterwards, welp, on to the next. Simple as that.
Now, turn the table. Ever notice how a woman will pass up that more reserved guy who lacks in swag, but is full of sincerity and hope in her, for the guy who pours his favorite wine on stripper's backs, and has a no "basic b**s" policy? Yeah, you noticed! You know why she passed up that reserved guy? B/c all of the wrong she sees the other guy in, is actually attractive to her, and that good guy is too boring for her too hot to trot demeanor ..This much, a lot of women won't deny! Women don't have a problem admitting they're attracted to bad boys. What they will deny, is the fact that they're as wrong as the men they're attracted to. It's not rocket science. "Can two walk together accept they agree?" That's what the Word of God says. You're attracted to his bad ways, because you have a lot of your own bad ways that are in agreement with it all. Ever see a dog mating with a cat to make a half puppy/half kitten? I'll wait.............Still waiting...............Yeah, me neither!
A lot of women are looking for love to blossom from a lust seed. They're thinking "he's a bad boy, but I'm good enough to make him be good to me. I deserve it!" No, you deserve exactly what you're pursuing, dog behavior, because you too have dog bones somewhere in that body of yours.
He, on the other hand, knows what he wants, and he's getting it from the right source. You say you know what you want, but you ain't getting it b/c you're with the wrong source. That's the difference. The expectations, considering the circumstances. When a man is a dog, it's because he wants to be. He's not looking for a wife, he's looking for a bone. When a woman is a dog, she doesn't want to be called one, and she doesn't want to be treated like one, she just wants to date em with hopes that they'll one day become heroes.
Men who are dogs are not in the saving business. Not even that reserved guy, you passed up, has enough super powers to save you. Jesus is the SAVIOR though. Call him up. As for men, being that dog might seem cool, and quite pleasurable, but remember - All dogs don't go to heaven, but STD's definitely take lives. It's getting real out here, and you might wanna be getting wise. Being a dog is nothing to brag or write home about. Dogs die everyday B!
I know a lot of feelings might be on edge in this post. No one is safe! If the shoe fits, wear it, and model it around so that the world can see you for who you are. Open confession is good for the soul! I've been a dog for years, and loved female dogs. The only thing helping my transition is confession, and enough humility to receive the truth and the change. The basis of this post was not to prove who's more right, who's more wrong, or who's actions are justifiable. Both sides are wrong, and none of it is justifiable. But what are YOU gonna do about it, concerning YOURSELF? That's what i'm getting at.
Whether man or woman, if you're a dog, it ain't because someone else's bark made you one. If all you attract is dogs, it ain't because they're blind and barking up the wrong tree. The disparities between genders are obvious, but what's more obvious is the similarities that bring the two together.
Friday, May 11, 2012
We can all sit around and say "what God has for me is for me" BUT, keep in mind, a whole lot of people die never getting what God had for em b/c they refused to be who God made them to be.
I'm only speaking for me. I gotta do better, even the more. You can do what you please but, what's pleasing to me is knowing that the man who died for me to live is pleased with me.
I was born into a world where the majority live to please everyone but the one who counts, so when I speak the truth, I know it'll be frowned upon but that's part of what the fight is all about. They persecuted Jesus, they'll persecute me, and they'll persecute you if you're being who God wants you to be.
But who wants to be rejected by society and their peers? Hah, Foolish question when being accepted by the same folks holds about as much weight as fake diamonds in a man's ears.
Generations turning into gimmicks seeking approval from bigger gimmicks, where everyone who shouts "i'm different" is all sporting the same image.
Women who wonder why real love never walks their way, in denial about their own lusts, failing to realize that the man God sends is about work, not play. Wanting men to see more than sex whenever they walk by but, advertising curves and seduction like flat screens at Best buy. Why wouldn't a man watch? I mean, we all have eyes! You're not advertising your soul so why would that be something he's trying to buy? So what you go to work, so what you went to school and you're smart. Real men don't need your money and a degree doesn't grant you the wisdom to keep a man's heart. Wisdom teaches you to learn your part before you try to play your part.
But we love to play, and so love stays away. As men we struggle with infidelity because we prey more than we pray. We watch curves more than we read the word and learn how to recite lyrics, but not how to discern. We puff up with pride, turn tough, and laugh at the thought of being affected by opposition, covering up inner pains that slowly burn. Dreams of becoming rappers, hardly doing it for the passion, more so for the attention and some sort of satisfaction. Satisfaction in knowing we finally made it to place where bigger people take notice, so we can laugh at those who played us, as if they ever really owed us. Not saying every rapper doesn't love his art, just saying many men just imagine success and admiration but lack the love for the admirers in their hearts. What a deadly plan, do we not understand, your biggest hater in life is often your biggest fan. Our biggest foe, our reflection, in dyer need of direction, we can stare into a mirror but can't see our inner man. Scary!
Lord, have mercy on my soul. I wanna get it right and I don't mean when I get old. I know tomorrow's not promised, so you gotta help me today. I still got a dog bone in me that wants me to prey more than I pray, and work less than I play.
As for you, you're entitled to your own life successes and trials but, know that God doesn't deliver until you come out of denial.
If what God has for you is for you, why don't you have it? You are the answer to that question. Be who he made you to be, and you'll have what he wants you to have. I refuse to live as the test dummy who never understands why they crash.
With love,
I'm only speaking for me. I gotta do better, even the more. You can do what you please but, what's pleasing to me is knowing that the man who died for me to live is pleased with me.
I was born into a world where the majority live to please everyone but the one who counts, so when I speak the truth, I know it'll be frowned upon but that's part of what the fight is all about. They persecuted Jesus, they'll persecute me, and they'll persecute you if you're being who God wants you to be.
But who wants to be rejected by society and their peers? Hah, Foolish question when being accepted by the same folks holds about as much weight as fake diamonds in a man's ears.
Generations turning into gimmicks seeking approval from bigger gimmicks, where everyone who shouts "i'm different" is all sporting the same image.
Women who wonder why real love never walks their way, in denial about their own lusts, failing to realize that the man God sends is about work, not play. Wanting men to see more than sex whenever they walk by but, advertising curves and seduction like flat screens at Best buy. Why wouldn't a man watch? I mean, we all have eyes! You're not advertising your soul so why would that be something he's trying to buy? So what you go to work, so what you went to school and you're smart. Real men don't need your money and a degree doesn't grant you the wisdom to keep a man's heart. Wisdom teaches you to learn your part before you try to play your part.
But we love to play, and so love stays away. As men we struggle with infidelity because we prey more than we pray. We watch curves more than we read the word and learn how to recite lyrics, but not how to discern. We puff up with pride, turn tough, and laugh at the thought of being affected by opposition, covering up inner pains that slowly burn. Dreams of becoming rappers, hardly doing it for the passion, more so for the attention and some sort of satisfaction. Satisfaction in knowing we finally made it to place where bigger people take notice, so we can laugh at those who played us, as if they ever really owed us. Not saying every rapper doesn't love his art, just saying many men just imagine success and admiration but lack the love for the admirers in their hearts. What a deadly plan, do we not understand, your biggest hater in life is often your biggest fan. Our biggest foe, our reflection, in dyer need of direction, we can stare into a mirror but can't see our inner man. Scary!
Lord, have mercy on my soul. I wanna get it right and I don't mean when I get old. I know tomorrow's not promised, so you gotta help me today. I still got a dog bone in me that wants me to prey more than I pray, and work less than I play.
As for you, you're entitled to your own life successes and trials but, know that God doesn't deliver until you come out of denial.
If what God has for you is for you, why don't you have it? You are the answer to that question. Be who he made you to be, and you'll have what he wants you to have. I refuse to live as the test dummy who never understands why they crash.
With love,
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
That Voice

Never really respected the truth behind the scripture that told me it was impossible to kick against the preek. To be perfectly honest, I didn't even know it was a scripture when I was running the streets. I did know however that something wasn't right. Two pills, four blunts, and countless hennessy shots wasn't enough to convince me that the naked chick laying beside me was my type. Staring at the ceiling as she slept, recounting the time I was so high I passed out twice. Can't just thank God for the homies who held me down, I had thank God for sparing my life. That awkward moment; Trying to talk to God, laid up with a woman who wasn't my wife. One can only imagine that when she woke up, the conversation was fairly light. I mean, considering love had nothing to do with this, there wasn't much to talk about, and cuffing one nighters from the club; I'm not about that life.
But who can tell you that you're not enjoying life when you're doing all the things the average nine to fiver couldn't afford? Rapping and buying new outfits just to stand on couches with my team, while holding up bottles, and kicking it with pretty women; Wasn't this what my generation of men lived for? Ironically enough, in a clouded room full of perception, moving to the sounds of the latest bangers, it seemed as if everyone, including those who were over looked, were enjoying this experience a little bit more. I'm having a good time, but abusing illegal substances, in attempts to drown out a voice telling me "this isn't the knock opportunity wants you to be listening for."
The life of the party was at its peak, but I was at my low. All good, I'll just pop another one of these pills, and blow more of this weed smoke. Jungle fever the drinks, start mixing the white with the brown; fifteen minutes later, that pill is kicking in, and I'm talking some strangers panties down. Forget who she might've slept with last night; Look at that face, them lips, and them thighs. But here goes that voice again, trying to get my mind to reason with my eyes. "this is Atlanta, what if she has a boyfriend who likes to sleep with guys?" Am I really hearing this right here, right now? Nah, I can't be. Ignore it and charge it to being high. Been in these shoes so many nights, pride alone wouldn't allow me to believe they weren't my size.
And perception, well see....It's a funny thing, because unless you see tears, you almost never listen for ones cries. Crazy how ego will deny discomfort in a room full of lies. Club full of folks, and I couldn't spot one person who didn't have something to hide. But I couldn't count the ones who were able to drink it all away for the night and have a good time. I used to enjoy it the way they did, why don't I now? If I really don't wanna be high, why can't I put the drugs down? Wasn't ready to stop drinking, I was in love with the taste. Wasn't ready to accept a woman for who she was, I was in love with her waist. So much temptation in my face, can't let such pleasure go to waste. Been doing this for years now; Why suddenly this voice I can't shake?
In a place, feeling out of place, never scared, but never feeling safe. Soldiers with me, always good, my concern was with fate. Bullets ain't got no names, death don't give you no dates, and I had ignored that voice telling me to go right so long, death started looking like an escape. Nah, I didn't wanna die, was too fly for suicide, but too many wrong turns will eventually lead you to the wrong place at the wrong time. All of this in the back of my mind, but all of these women are in front of my eyes; Feeling like friends can't relate, but my poker face says every thing's fine.
But why? Why am I not fine? Why can't I just enjoy this blunt and this dime? Why can't I zone out to this music? I do this all the time. But lately, the more I do , the more the discomfort grows. The more I try to tune you out, the more you kill my buzz, but why me though? And why do I hear you the most when I'm trying to go out and enjoy my night? Why can't I drown you out with the liquor like everyone else does? And the voice spoke
"Because I'm trying to save your life. You're chosen."
Now ask yourself. Are you ignoring that voice?
-Jermaine G.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
She said "I love you" ten times in a span of ten minutes. I think I stopped believing in about ten seconds. I knew that she'd be gone in another ten days. Still I smiled and said it back, because I'm always one to count my blessings. See, even in a lie there's a lovely message. It becomes exercise if you identify it and accept it. They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and the fact that we no longer communicate is part of my progression. Sometimes the hardest lesson is the easiest to read but you give it the blind eye because your heart has its own future projected. A will of your own - "who needs Gods direction?" Wasn't saying it with my mouth, but was regularly stepping. As if I don't know I've already been chosen and can only walk according to a purpose that's written in heaven. Hard to kick against the pricks, cant run from what's destined. Wasn't sent to deliver smiles, but to deliver a message. Whats funny though, is many smile even when they don't want to accept it. The truth will never be everybody's friend but everybody will always respect it. As for Miss lady - if ever I run into her, I'll throw a piece of my heart up in the air and tell her to fetch it. See, she acted like a female dog as we fell off, but she'll still know that I love her the moment she reaches to catch it.
As far as the present - the more I unwrap my potential it appears that more women offer up their domestics. I guess one would think that's a beautiful thing, but Vicky told me a secret - she said "they want a different type of connection". Some women don't want a man, they want his progression. Some women just want his fans, forget his attention. Some women don't want time that don't come with a necklace, and some women don't really know love that don't come with erections. Doesn't mean that all women are bad, just means that I know what's good, and what's right is about the only thing I'll settle for being left with. There's a difference between having desires and being desperate. The one's who never learn the difference are the bait the piranhas are always catching.
I don't just speak it for my health, there's a key to my methods. The transparency of a man will teach the masses wisdom through his confessions. Just in case they ever thought that it was easy being me, I remind them to whom much is given, much is tested. Some never thought they'd see me do everything I always expected, but the more it unfolds the more the same individuals seem to be checking. Giving there praises, when I'm not looking for the credit. I just want them to know my blesser, and the reason he's continually blessing. So many comments, so many questions, so many opinions, and so many suggestions. Through it all I always seem to find joy in knowing everybody's ok, faith assured, never second guessing. I guess if there's a cocky bone left in my body, you can probably find it somewhere buried in this message. But as I send it out to sea, never to return, I just want the reader to know its God first, nothing else is even a close second. If ever the shoe fits, wear it, but beware of who you step with. And never take for granted that which you have, it could be gone in ten seconds. Isn't that how I started this message? Catch it. These are my confessions.
As far as the present - the more I unwrap my potential it appears that more women offer up their domestics. I guess one would think that's a beautiful thing, but Vicky told me a secret - she said "they want a different type of connection". Some women don't want a man, they want his progression. Some women just want his fans, forget his attention. Some women don't want time that don't come with a necklace, and some women don't really know love that don't come with erections. Doesn't mean that all women are bad, just means that I know what's good, and what's right is about the only thing I'll settle for being left with. There's a difference between having desires and being desperate. The one's who never learn the difference are the bait the piranhas are always catching.
I don't just speak it for my health, there's a key to my methods. The transparency of a man will teach the masses wisdom through his confessions. Just in case they ever thought that it was easy being me, I remind them to whom much is given, much is tested. Some never thought they'd see me do everything I always expected, but the more it unfolds the more the same individuals seem to be checking. Giving there praises, when I'm not looking for the credit. I just want them to know my blesser, and the reason he's continually blessing. So many comments, so many questions, so many opinions, and so many suggestions. Through it all I always seem to find joy in knowing everybody's ok, faith assured, never second guessing. I guess if there's a cocky bone left in my body, you can probably find it somewhere buried in this message. But as I send it out to sea, never to return, I just want the reader to know its God first, nothing else is even a close second. If ever the shoe fits, wear it, but beware of who you step with. And never take for granted that which you have, it could be gone in ten seconds. Isn't that how I started this message? Catch it. These are my confessions.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Pretty Tears - Pretty Lost

She hates ignor-ance, yet she ignores what's real. You know her type. She dates a bunch of status quo's who ignore the way she really feels. With a smile and physique that attracts celebrity faces, it's hard to tell her that her lack of patience is a slight case of self hatred. Saturday night she's wasted, Sunday morning she's praising, and Monday she's tweeting class like she's not the girl who wears her Friday night dress where her waist is. Is there really a lack of sincere people in the world or is it just her poor decision making? Her revolving circumstances just match her associations. Daring enough to look down on the less appealing woman as if she's too basic. Hardly a fair assesment, considering her relationship resume shows no real love traces. Too many nights shes made love faces only to find out in later days that it wasn't love making.
Many days its like her heart is in a strange place. Almost impossible for a hopeless romantic to find a love that requires faith. Understand, hopeless is the equivelent of doubt, and romance doesn't promise love, so her heart is gambling at high stakes. And who really likes to stand by and watch a heart break? Some try to offer guidance, but she ignores their heart beats because she's more into the heart's face. Only herself to blame for her heart being in this dark place when the same things that make her cry are the same things that make her heart race.
We're all entitled to mistakes so you cant judge her. But she's so into herself she can't appreciate the ones who love her. She wants what she wants, and what she wants is a good time. She needs a man who has a good name in the spots where the elite toast the good wine. So many lies, so many games, and so many fails. Not hard to understand why love to her is like a fairytale. Problem is, if you ever try to correct her, she might just ignore the message depeneding on who delivers the mail. Yeah you know her type. That's right I know her too. Was once the one laying next to her as some of those messages were coming through. Indeed, we all reap what we sow, so it wouldn't be upsetting for me to know that in that fashion, some of my messages were later ignored too.
Nevertheless, this isn't about me or you, but a woman who's own reflection henders her from finding her way to what's true. She's searching for a love that really doesn't exist - the devil dressing up a curse and presenting it as a gift. Always appears to look good until it's unwrapped. Ironically, at first sight you'd think her beauty is unmatched. But to another brother who's been up under her covers, he's looking at you wondering why you'd ever try to cuff that. A little rap, high heels, and white liquor - true colors start to seep through as her attitude begins to paint the picutre. She's a bad chick, these others are average, and ain't too many dudes real enough to handle her package. Vip access, free wine glasses, and can't forget to take a couple pictures for the masses.
She's showing off. One would think this is the life but imagine being confused wanting the devil to show you the light. Thinking you're doing right, when really you're running left, your outter perfectly pieced, but your inner a pretty mess. Who understands? Most dont, and most never will, because the look is what attracts, nobody focuses on the feel. At least not in the field where she chooses to play. Hard to undestand her pain when this is the bed in which she chooses to lay. Just understand, sometimes when she's smiling from ear to ear, it's not always joy - sometimes she's fighting back the tears. She fears.............
To confess that she's pretty and lost.
She needs love and not the type that comes with nude body language, but the type that digs deep into her soul and can sweep up her foundation. Her pride needs breaking, but her heart needs rebuilding. She doesn't need someone who admires, she needs someone who can identify her feelings. She needs someone who see's her beauty without paying her looks any mind. Someone who can show her it's not about the spotlight, but about the way her spirit shines. She needs love, not necessarily someone who wants to pursue, but someone that'll help her find her way b/c like her they were once lost too.
As I always say...The power is in the love.
-Jermaine G.
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